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Rondônia, segunda, 17 de junho de 2024.


São Paulo writer Jorge Caldeira joins Brazil Academy of Letters


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Writer Jorge Caldeira, Master of Sociology with a PhD in Political Science, was elected Thursday (Jul 7) to occupy Chair 16 of the Brazilian Academy of Letters (ABL). The seat was left vacant after scholar Lygia Fagundes Telles passed away on April 3 this year. Caldeira received 29 of the 33 possible votes.

Also vying for the spot were writers João Marcos Pereira, Jefferson Marcelo de Lima Vasques, Denilson Marques da Silva, Jackeson dos Santos Lacerda, Eloi Angelos G. D’Aracosia, Raquel Naveira, Carina da Silva Vicentini, Tania Zagury, and Cecília Prada.

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The inauguration ceremony should be held within three months. The writer already occupies Chair 18 of the São Paulo Academy of Letters, which he joined in 2008.

Born in São Paulo, in 1955, Jorge Caldeira has a degree in Social Sciences from the School of Philosophy, Literature, and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH–USP). He is married to anthropologist Cynthia Sarti. They have two children.

In an interview to Agência Brasil, Jorge Caldeira said his election represents “the recognition of all ABL academics of the work of a lifetime.” It also means a golden opportunity to be among ABL writers, he noted.

Lygia Fagundes Telles

Lygia Fagundes Telles is among the greatest names in Brazilian literature. She was the fourth occupant of Chair 16 at the Brazilian Academy of Letters, to which she was elected in October 1985, succeeding professor, politician, historian, biographer, essayist and orator Pedro Calmon, who was born in Amargosa, Bahia state, on December 23, 1902, and died in Rio de Janeiro, on June 17, 1985.

Telles won several awards throughout her career, including Camões (2005), Jabuti (1966, 1974, and 2001), and Guimarães Rosa (1972). In addition to receiving film, theater, and TV adaptations, her work has been translated into German, Spanish, French, English, Italian, Polish, Swedish, Czech, and European Portuguese.


Also on Thursday (7), the chair held by diplomat and former Minister of Culture Sergio Paulo Rouanet, who died in Rio de Janeiro on July 3, was declared open. Applications may be submitted for Chair 13, which Rouanet occupied for about 30 years.


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