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Rondônia, sábado, 01 de junho de 2024.


Death toll following cyclone in Rio Grande do Sul state reaches 41


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Logo Agência Brasil

The government of Rio Grande do Sul state, in South Brazil, has announced that the death toll from the floods that hit dozens of towns in the state has risen to 41. Twenty-five people are still missing.

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According to the report, 122,992 people have been affected in some way by the heavy rains caused by the passage of an extratropical cyclone through the southern region of the country. Those forced out of their homes total approximately 10 thousand.

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The number of municipalities affected has surged to 83. On Thursday (Sep. 7), federal authorities had only recognized a state of public calamity in 79 cities.

Blocked roads

The state has at least 16 highways with total or partial blockages due to the downpours.

Several were flooded due to overflowing rivers. At least three bridges on state highways have been wrecked.

The Brazilian Navy said it was assisting in the rescue of people who were stranded on the roofs of houses and buildings. Vessels are also transporting support material and supplies for the victims.


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